What is a hosted Virtual Desktop?
Virtual Desktops give the end user exactly that – a Virtual Desktop – that can be accessed remotely from anywhere using an array of different devices. These can be set up for use on; PCs, Thin Clients, Tablet and more.
What’s the business benefit?
Using virtual desktop reduces the hassle surrounding your IT – they can be set up with various applications, and there’s no need stress about managing or maintaining on-site servers.
Virtual desktops also reduce the financial stress on SMEs that can’t justify a large capex budget.
Is it really cost effective?
Today’s economic climate means businesses need to be careful with expenditure. Because of this, for many, Virtual desktop would be preferable. Because they’re provided on a PAYG basis, you’ll be able to estimate your expenditure easier.
Other reasons why Virtual desktop really is cost effective:
Lower Hardware Cost – By using thin clients, you can reduce the cost on new hardware. You can also run Virtual Desktops from older computers without having to upgrade, because everything is hosted externally. You also won’t need to invest in any servers or server maintenance.
Power Consumption – A typical on-site server can cost a fair chunk on electricity each year. That doesn’t even take into account the air-con required to keep the hardware cool. So removing the need for on-premise servers – and being able to replace PCs with thin clients – reduces the impact on electricity bills. This also gives your business a lower carbon footprint.